Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 1 Blog- Scarcity

In this article, it mentions that many families in Guatemala are suffering from the scarcity of food. Due to dry weather and insufficient soil, this has made planting corn and bean crops difficult in the east. Six provinces in the dry corridor, which is a region that has had a lack of rainfall in months, are suffering the effects of the food shortage the most. It has been said that at least 54,000 families are afflicted by the food scarcity and around 25 children have perished from malnutrition in this region. Red Cross is trying to come up with a plan in order to handle this scarcity before appealing to the world for finance.

The article connects to the chapter one because in both cases, scarcity of resources is talked about. As mentioned in the chapter, resources can become scarce by constantly using the resources or the condition of the weather. Like food and crops, there is a limited quantity. In chapter one, there's an example stating that farmers have a certain amount of land that they have to grow their crops. Besides having restrictions on the availability of land, they need to decide which crops will be planted. In Guatemala, many of the crops failed to grow, so time and money spent growing the crops is wasted. Many citizens are in need of food and are desperate to survive, but because there is a low supply of food from the insufficient soil and the lack of water, the citizens are suffering from hunger. Even though there are countries such as Canada with plenty of resources which are taken granted for, there are those who are suffering from the shortage of resources.

While reading this article, I think it allows others to realize that even though we may feel that we have an abundant supply of a certain resource, it will not last forever; therefore, we need to be conscience of what we use. It is tragic that many families in Guatemala are struggling to survive each day. Because families are having difficulties purchasing enough food, many children are suffering from malnutrition. I think what the Red Cross is doing is admirable; and, their idea of figuring a way to deal with the food scarcity before trying to address the world for funds is a great plan because by figuring out a way to solve the food shortage, it will help the citizens. When the food shortage is solved, then problems such as the decrease in exports and revenues and failed crops will be dealt with. By reading this article, it has made me more aware that resources are scarce, even though there seems to be an endless supply of it.