Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 2 Blog- Demand and Supply


The article I read about states that hand sanitizers and masks are in high demand. These masks and sanitizers are used for protection from the H1N1 virus. Because of the high demand of masks and sanitizers, Noveko International Inc. is trying to make enough to supply the demand, while still competing with other companies. At the end of September, there were about 50 million masks that were ordered from firms. By 2010, Noveko expects that about order of 50 million masks and sanitizers will be placed. Around nine million masks are made per month and Noveko is hoping to increase the production of the masks. The company also have other competitions such as 3M, Kimberly-Clark, and Johnson & Johnson. Noveko’s masks are made with “antimicrobial air filtration”. These masks can trap, and then neutralize the bacteria and viruses unlike other masks. If they do not supply enough masks, then consumers will then buy from other competitors.

Chapter two of the textbook concentrates on the supply and demand and the factors that can change the supply and demand. This article talks about what can happen when the company does not supply enough masks and sanitizers for those who want to protect themselves from the H1N1 virus. If Noveko cannot produce enough of these masks, then consumers will find a substitute product. In the article, it mentions that the materials used to make the masks are from the United States and then the masks would be created in China. This clearly shows that production cost is affecting the supply. If the supplier of the materials were to increase the price, then it may influence the price of the masks.

In this article, it makes me more aware of how factors in supply can have an effect on other competitors’ products such as the fact that there isn’t enough supply of the masks to go around, consumers will be willing to find substitutes. Because they are not supplying enough masks and sanitizers to meet the demand of the world, then they will be losing some finance. The demand of the masks will probably go down because there are not enough and consumers may just settle for the competitors’ brand even if their masks do not have the technology to neutralize the bacteria and viruses. I feel that Noveko International Inc. should find a solution to the high demand of their products, while their supply is not enough to meet the number of people requesting the products. By solving the problem, consumers will be satisfied and won’t have to settle for substitutes.


  1. Personally, the situation with the H1N1 flu doesn't frighten me as much as I think it should. I'm not going to go purchasing a big bottle of sanitizer and a box of masks to protect myself, although I probably should. I mean, I personally always have hand sanitizer on myself just for sanitary reasons, but I won't go frantic if they don't have any at the moment or decide to desperately search for another brand. To be blunt, I believe there is a high percentage of people who feel the same way as I do, sure it would be nice to have hand sanitizer and a mask but not many people are going to go out just to purchase it, maybe if they ever come across it while shopping perhaps, but not immediately. But it definitely should have an effect on the supply and demand aspect of it. It`s a good choice for Noveko to increase is production for there is a demand for it due to the H1N1 flu.

  2. I disagree with Julie Nguyen when she says it isn't a big panic. People are rapidly spreading H1N1 flu shots to prevent this disease from spreading. Sure, there are people who think like Julie and think it isn't as frightening as it seems but the statistics of demand increasing drasticly for flu masks and sanitizers prove that there are millions of people who are afraid and trying to prevent this disease from spreading. I also agree with Noveko International Inc when they are planning to increase production since not only does it prevent spreading but they also seized a good opportunity to profit from the increasing demand.

  3. The hand sanitizers and masks have been in high demand ever since the H1N1 epidemic broke out. Personally, I believe the people are overreacting. H1N1 is not a great plague, although the effects of it may be very frightening. It is natural for people to be cautious, but people are overreacting. I agree with Julie, and I would not go out to specially buy hand sanitizers and masks. It is a great opportunity for the hand sanitizer and mask companies to make more money while these products are in high demand. They are very ethical to keep prices the same at a time like this, but to increase production instead. It's a win-win situation for both the companies and the consumers.
